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Sat Nam!


If you are here it means, that you would like to experience a unique spiritual practice, the early morning group sadhana.


During these special times, our teacher community is offering morning sadhana online every Thursday 05.00 - 07.30 am until the end of June.

This beautiful, transformative practice of rising early and coming together to chant, do yoga and meditate has to be experienced to be understood.


Each week another teacher is leading the sadhana from the community. 

Donations are from £5.00 and all donations will go to a different charity each week that we will announce here on the website. If you don't have income please donate as little as £1.00.


No experience in yoga required, the sadhana is open to all. 


Looking forward to seeing you soon! x



JapJi Sahib International on the App Store




Aquarian mantras

Register here

please note that if you register after 8pm on the night before the sadhana, you will receive the zoom link only in the morning 10-15 minutes before we start. 

You are now set for the sadhana! :-)

Please then make your donation here:


We will send out a zoom link the evening before the sadhana.

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sadhana schedule

7th May, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Jenny Smith, Siri Akal, JaiShanti

Donation goes to: MYPAS


We have collected £141.75 for MYPAS Thank you!!


14th May, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Chandradev Kaur

Donation goes to: Cyrenians


We have collected £46.10 for Cyrenians Thank you!!!

21th May, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Jo Bednarek

Donation goes to: Edinburgh Women's Aid


We have collected £75.10. Thank you!!

28th May, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Kirtan Japa Kaur

Donation goes to: Maggie's


We have collected £75.00 Thank you!!

4th June, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Jenny Smith

Donation goes to Black Lives Matter UK


We have collected £82.00. Thank you!!

11th June, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Amrita Kirtan (Clare), Shanti Nam (Mai)

Donation goes to: Girls on Fire Leadership Camp


We have collected £58.00. Thank you!

18th June, 0500-0730 am

Leading: Jo McCoy (Agia Dev), JaiShanti

Donation goes to: Reverse Rett


We have collected £33.00. Thank you!

25th June, 0500- 0730 am

Leading: Raj Adesh (Carolyn)

Donations to: Heavy Sound CIC and Locavore Good Food Fund


We have collected £140.00 - Thank you!

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